Hindu Religion is one of the oldest religions on this planet. Current historians consider the records of this faith to be a few thousand years old on the basis of archaeological investigations like Sindhu Ghati, Harappa civilization.
"Hindu" is thought to be derived from "Sindhu". In Sanskrit, the word Sindhu has principal meanings - first, the Indus river that originates close to Mansarovar and flows through ladakh.
Hinduism is the only religion primarily based on knowledge within the international community, rest all have been propounded through one person. That's why Hindu religion is first-class and it can not be compared with every person. Hinduism is the most effective religion, which has been enhancing its guidelines through reviewing them once in a while.
Hinduism is an open religion which has developed no longer from notion but from conscience. On the contrary, other religions, be it islam, christianity or every other, are all closed religions, which can be primarily based at the thoughts of someone and who agree with that time stays unchanged and the judgment of right and wrong of the character too.